
01 May 2010

pho...how do you pronounce that?

Our first pho experience. Never been a fan of Vietnamese food, but I am a fan of noodles so I  thought we'd give it a try. Not too bad actually.I got the chicken version since beef and pork gross me out.


kylie said...

pronounced FUH. i LOVE that stuff. when we went to vietnam we ate it everyday. it's easy to cook too. fuuun

hannah said...

it wasn't bad at all :) i think mine needed more hot sauce... yeah, i knew how to pronounce it, the title's more of a joke because i've heard it butchered different ways ;)

Marinka said...

yeah its true pho with hot sauce is just too good

Marie said...

omg, i was supposed to put hot sauce?? i had no idea. no wonder i didn't like it all that much